By Arthur Orchid
When I was a student I met very different kind of students with various ambitions and talents. Some of them had a writing style as personal talent. I met again 15 years after I left the University, one of this very talented writers. Even if he previously worked a literature teacher, he's now a newspaper writer paid per article.
Here are what I discovered talking with him. I left him my keyboard so that this is a part of his working story:
When you decide you want to be a writer, you have a lot to think about, but the problem is that some think too hard. There're certain things you can decide that you want to do, but you may find that you dont like them, or that your talents will lead you in another direction. This is common in many different careers, but I've never seen so many people go back and forth as I've seen in some of the writing communities I belong to. There are many who wanted to start out writing newspaper articles, and they ended up writing a romance novel. There are some who are sure they were meant to write the great American novel, only to find out they like to write greeting cards or short stories.
Most of the people who are interested in writing newspaper articles start out in high school with the school paper. Though I loved to write back then, I never really thought of doing it for my high school paper. I came from a small town, and many of the ideas that came from the pens of those writing newspaper articles were short minded and narrow. That really turned me off. I didn't think at the time that perhaps I should also be writing newspaper articles in an effort to change some of that.
If you want to make a career of writing newspaper articles, you should go to college for journalism. There're many things you have to know, and there are many special classes you should have. Those who go into journalism are usually very passionate about what they do, and desire to do so goes far beyond writing newspaper articles. They often have a sense of wanting to change the world in a way, and they want to do it through reporting and finding the news.
If you want to start writing newspaper articles, but you don't have the time or the money to go to college, you are going to have a harder time breaking into the business. However, if you have the go-getter type personality that is needed in journalism, you can learn a lot of what you need to know on your own. You should make sure you find someone else who is writing newspaper articles for some advice, and spend a lot of time researching writing styles and techniques.
I'm now popular enough to write newspaper articles on demand. My style is appreciated and I know where to get the facts my readers love to read. My passion became a win-win occupation. I don't regret my careers' choice, I truly believe every little choice has a link to the previous and the following action you take. Working when you can do what you're passioned about is almost like having fun all the time.
Are you working and making money from your passion? This is obviously what you'll have to consider when thinking of the next job you'd invest time and sometimes money.
To Your Success!
Writing Newspaper Articles from Home?
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 12:40 am | employment, from-home, newspaper, quit your job, skills, student, talent, working from home, writer, writing | 0 commentaires »More Ways to Make Money Online
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 6:56 am | money-ideas, money-making, paid-surveys, surveys | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
If you read me for long enough you may have noticed how much I like seeking and writing about this topic Making Money Online. I'm a true believer everyone may succeed in earning some cash working from home. It only depends on the time you can spend or I should rather say invest into your own success. Assuming you had the best info to start at your own pace your own business.
Many people are trying to find ways to make money online for a number of reasons. Whether you are a new mom who wants to avoid investing in daycare or whether you just hate the morning commute to the office there're ways to make money from home. With a little planning and some dedication you can work from home. Some ways to make money from home are a little easier than others.
Update: My secret weapon to increase my income is Paid Online Surveys as this is very easy to take a paid survey and also because you don't need a lot of money to start with the best available tools, advices and most profitable Surveys firms.
Some sites offer you cash for reading emails. There's no cost for registering with the site but you do have to be a little careful in your selections. You're paid a set amount for reading the email but that amount is painfully low. Some paid to read emails sites offer about one or two cents per email. You have to reach between 20 and 30 dollars in credits in order to get any of your money. Considering that you only receive one or two emails each day, you can find yourself waiting an awful long time for your cash. This is one of the ways to make money online that won't pay your bills but it's effortless.
Another one of the ways to make money through some of the paid email sites is to fill out different offers. This is where I strongly advise caution. Some of the offers lead you to committing to a club that requires monthly payments. You want to find ways to make money not ways to spend it. I'm almost sure you already know how to spend money, aren't you?
Pay-per-click sites are popular among some college students and some stay at home moms who want to earn cash at home. This is one of the ways to make money online that requires no mental effort what so ever. You simply click on a site and wait for the counter to reach zero and move on. Each site earns you a few cents or sometimes a fraction of a penny so the process is long. However, some people find the ease of such a system worth the wait. I've come across some sites that offer to pay you for filling out free offers. Again, this system needs to be approached with caution. Many of the offers are free with a catch. Others may contact you by telephone and some may wind up costing you in the end. Finding ways to make money online should not involve an investment.You're supposed to make money not spend it.
To Your Success!
Why Do You Write If Nobody Reads You?
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 5:18 pm | action, advice, articles, blog, blogger, blogspot, content, icon, link, readers, rss, statistics, subscribe, subscribers, tips, tool, traffic, wordpress, xml | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
So far you already have a few articles online.
Congrats, this is a good start.
The only problem at the moment is that most of your readers still ignore even your blog's name.
Chosing a meaningful blog's name is also very important.
Let's assume you did it smart & easy to remember.
As an example:
The problem is still there: except your butcher's wife, your puppy and your very curious colleague nobody heard about
From now, on a regular basis, attracting readers without converting this into an obsession should be something to work on.
Indeed, in this post we're talking about one way to build traffic.
Fortunately, this is not the only way.
Unfortunately, you will have to spend time & efforts to complete this task.
Visible results will only appear after a few weeks of work.
That's the price to pay!
In future posts, I will be very happy to share with you more ways to drive traffic to your site. This will come later.
Before revealing 2 tools I really like, we have some things to prepare.
Do you know what a rss link is?
See it as a strong link between your site, your readers and you.
From the technical side, this a link used to tell "I've just updated my blog" using mainly xml.
If you post trough blogger/blogpost or WordPress you already have this link.
I advice you to make it better than it is now.
How could you improve this?
- Subscribing to service like FeedBurner.
- Adding an icon easily visible on your blog.
But you will get some benefits using such free services such as:
- Statistics (I'm sure you'd like to know some time to time the number of subscribers you have for your blog).
- Advices & tips (in my opinion any idea is welcome).
- Easier communication with websites or applications requiring your feed.
Good bye Folks, that's all for today!
Until next time: keep working on your content!
Breathe The Positive Attitude
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 11:22 am | achieved, action, advice, attitude, breathe, doubts, fears, goal, imagine, motivation, obstacles, overcome, postive, succeeded, test, testing, tips | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
In any new business, new job there is a part of unknown stuff.
Each time you face something new for you (new business, new opportunity, new job, new position, new company, new family situation, ...) appear some fears and doubts.
In fact, this is very natural, usual and sane.
If you just do things without having a little thought before starting or during the process, you may be in difficulties sometimes.
To go further, you have to imagine yourself when your goal is achieved.
Why do you have to?
Because you must persuade yourself you can do it.
Okay, now you're self-convinced this is possible.
Do you have near to you the guidelines to follow?
Any new adventure hides obstacles on your way.
Indeed obstacles are here to be overcomed testing your motivation.
You have to stay optimistic to climb any mountain you will probably encounter.
Almost nothing is impossible, it takes time, efforts & self-control.
Here are a few ways I recommend:
- strike off the list of actions you have already completed
- join a forum of new entrepreneurs where you can ask some questions, find free tips & advices, obtain prod
- have a rest doing something else for let's say 1 week: when you come back to your current problem it will seem less difficult to solve than before.
It's possible because you're not any more focused on looking for a solution.
You are no more affected by the problem.
You forgot the emotional part of the situation.
It's really a good point for you.
Your brain can work again sanely, even if you're not aware of that for now.
Be conscious of the limits of your positive attitude!
This is not a religion.Some sects use such tips to recruit you...
It's not necessary to repeat every morning before waking up:
« Every day I feel richer, in one year I will be a millionnaire. »
This simply doesn't work!
Of course don't buy any method promoting The strength of mind.
This is just a loss of money.
I already told you, you have in yourself everything you need to succeed.
Time for action: Breath Deeply The Positive Attitude!
Until next time:
- Don't save your efforts!
- Don't give up now!
Do Not Spend More Money Than You Have For Now
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 5:40 pm | achievement, advice, affiliate, business, content, debts, Dreamweaver, goal, guideline, HTML, motivation, PHP, spending money, starting business, steps, tips, writing | 6 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
It may appear as an elementary advice but you shouldn't spend more money than available to start your business.
You need and wish to make a sane business.
So work at your own pace.
It will be useless & dangerous to go too fast.
You have to build your success step by step.
Before being able to spend more money than today you have 2 solutions :
- save money
- earn money either offline or online
Don't pay to become affiliate: there are already hundreds of companies offering serious and free affiliation.
No need to pay so far.
To make HTML or PHP, Dreamweaver is not the only good software you can use:
Have a look to Nvu.
It won't be good for your mindset to start with debts.
Remember, there are guidelines to follow to ensure your success achievement...
What should you do now?
- You have to determine a goal to achieve
- You have to follow your own step by step guidelines
I recommend you to start preparing some fresh content for your site.
When you earn some fresh money (say from $100), you will be able to outsource this task.
Until next time, have a nice day!
Earn 45$ Just For Signing Up
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 12:06 pm | being-your-own-boss, bonus, business, dollars, free, free courses, free tools, free tutorials, learn, money, online, signing up | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
To start your own online Business free cash is always welcome. What would you think if I reveal you my secret to earn 45$ for signing up? In a few minutes, you'll discover that those $45 bonus is not the best you can get signing up for free. The goal of most online entrepreneurs is to spend more time at home or on holidays with their family. The financial security comes in the second position in most surveys.Everyone is looking for free time for leisures, happier life, less stress. Being your own boss in Your online business is exactly the kind of occupation that can bring you all of this. But this is like any restaurant before eating the customers have to be served with a sincere smile, the meals have to be ready and well exposed in the plates and of course the cook must have learnt how to cook like a Chef! With your online business, it's very similar; before serving customers with a huge smile, prepare everything the best way and prior to all this learn to do it!
Here are just a few things you will learn for free joining this program:
- Benefits of working from home
- Best Free tools to launch your online business
- 5 brilliant ideas for traffic generation
- Earning money using search engines
- Best way to select your sponsors?
- Setting a goal and achieving it.
Looking for Online Business Opportunities
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 2:33 pm | business, business-opportunities, Internet, online, online-business, web based, work-from-home, working from home, world-wide-web | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
If you're determined to create at your own pace your own Home Based Business, start reading this article. It should give you the extra encouragement you may need... Feel free to post a comment and let me know if it helped you in any manner. I really appreciate when we share our feelings online or offline. Today the article is about
online business opportunities
- some you may have already thought about... and the others -The world of business and money-making as we once knew it has changed. In general, I would say most work related changes are bad, since they typically are. However, I speak of a positive change that involves the World-Wide-Web and the potential for endless business and profit. Whether you've given it much thought or not, there're limitless online business opportunities. Everyone that ever wanted or dreamt of starting a business of their own can now make that concept a reality. Thanks to the incomparable Internet, you no longer have to continue working for "the man" on someone else's time clock for mere pennies.
Countless Americans are pondering online business opportunities. Ever since cyberspace took over in the 1990s, individuals have been craving a personal business, or job that they're in charge of. Of course we all want to be our own bosses, own our own companies, set our own hours, and decide how much we make. Talk about a utopia. Well, this dream is no longer out of your grasp. If you don't care to take my word for it, just take a quick gander at all of the businesses found in cyberspace. Who knows how many of them actually exist at this point. For some independently/self employed individuals this has been an awesome opportunity. Imagine how much more you could make with online business opportunities, as opposed to a store in your town or city. This is what we name with a very powerful image: the sky is the limit! Suddenly the entire world is able to view your products or services. This naturally means a lot more business for you. A close friend of mine runs an online knife shop and makes an utter killing selling high quality cutlery around the globe. Furthermore, since it's an
online business
, he doesn't have to drive anywhere for work, and his garage became his storage facility. That means no venue rental or purchasing and no commuting expenses. How much more ideal could you possibly get. He works completely from home.There's a wide variety of
online business opportunities
for all kinds of people. I don't care if you bake desserts, write resumes, build custom furniture, or refurbish computers, you can make a killing by bringing your business to the Internet. When it comes to the web, possibilities are endless.To Your Success!
Related articles:
- Yes Affiliates Make Money!
- Making Extra Money is Recovering Self-Confidence
- Top 3 Websites Where to Find Money Making Opportunities
Use BlogRush To Drive Readers To Your Blog
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 1:20 pm | blog, free, syndication, tips, tool | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
As every blogger, you love posting informations on your space of Freedom.
I assume you're also interested in having more exposure.
According to BlogRush there are already 50 millions blogs on the web.
Let's imagine some of them include a link to yours...
It's no more from your imagination, it's a free service provided by BlogRush.
I highly recommend you to watch the video & make your own opinion.
See you!
Are you Using the Best Advertising Strategies?
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 12:47 pm | advertising, business, competitors, content, market, marketing, optimization, page-rank, promote, search-engines, SEO, strategy | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Using the right advertising strategies can put your website on the map! With hundreds of millions of websites out there, it can be tough to focus the attention of potential customers on yours. The most sophisticated efforts can come to naught unless you're using the right advertising strategies for your business. Let's take a look at how you can develop and optimize advertising strategies that drive traffic to your site.
How To Smartly Target Your Audience
Although it may seem obvious, you need to work out a detailed plan on how you might best reach your audience. You need to target every type of person or business that you think might be interested in your product or service. For example, if you sell boating equipment, there're several communities of boat owners and devotees of water sports. Fishermen, in both the sportsman and commercial categories should be targeted in your advertising campaign. How about scuba divers? You can see that there are lots of niche markets with potential customers lurking in their ranks. Make a list of all the types of groups, organizations and individuals who may buy your products.
What Are The Best Advertising Strategies To Drive Traffic To Your Website?
Your advertising strategies must include some serious consideration of search engines. Take it upon yourself to find out how search engines work, the indexing algorithms and time frames required for your site to get picked up. This is a complex topic. If you can afford it, you might want to engage the services of an SEO expert. This is one advertising strategy expenditure that pays for itself. On the other hand, there's no reason you can't balance your expenses and make use of as many free advertising venues as you can find. In the case of the boating equipment website, try writing some informative articles on your own products or a how-to type which gives your reader useful info. Submit to article directories and get a byline and link to your site.
Why Do You Need To Give Before Taking?
You probably know that quality content and links to your site improves your search engine ranking. You want as much of each of these as you can get. Content translates to the search engines as information, which is the name of the game today. The more links you have, the better off you are. This not only improves your credibility with the search engines, but also gets your site exposed to as many potential customers as possible. Add, add and add more. If you don't have an e-newsletter, develop one as part of your advertising strategies. It's free advertising. Develop or purchase some feature pieces and do the research to fill in the rest of your contents with interesting or useful tidbits, freebies and the like.
Any good advertising strategy includes giving. For example, offering a visitor a free gift, such as a downloadable e-book, when they subscribe to your e-newsletter is a good incentive to subscribe, builds your readership and keeps your website fresh in the visitor's memory. All of these strategies work when properly customized. The best advertising strategies make the difference with your competitors.
To Your Success!
Related articles:
- How to Get Website Traffic?
- Discover another Way to Promote Your Website
RetailMeNot: Online Stores Coupons
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 3:02 pm | business, coupons, hosting, money, savings, tips | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Save money in less than one single minute.
I was looking for an hosting company for a couple of websites I'm currently working on.
As hosting company I chose this company because of some interesting features they proposed me:
- the possibility to host 20 sites on 1 account
- the price (less than $7 per month)
- $120 Advertising Credits (Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, ...)
- unlimited MySQL databases
Suscribing I noticed a field called Coupon Code:
Using my favourite tool - Google - I found where tons of coupons to use on the web are available.
Typing my choice of hosting company, I found a 3 months for free coupon (I almost $21 saved in less than 1 minute).
How to Start a Small Business Effectively
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 10:16 pm | advice, business, howto, loan, small-business, starting-a-business, taking-action | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Taking action even a little step daily is much more important to achieve your secret goals. Whatever your goal is you'll need to educate yourself at least a minimum. But after a few weeks or months - it only depends on your spare time - you'll have enough informations to start. Registering domain names might be one of those first little steps.
A lot of people wonder
how to start a small business
but very few are brave enough to really take a few steps.Starting a small business

Figuring out
how to start a small business
isn't the hard part. The hard part is putting in the work to make it happen. After all, starting a small business is practically a nightmare. There is just so much to do before you can make it succeed. You need to plan it out financially, get investors or business loans, and find an appropriate area to set up shop. You have to get advertisers, make business connections, and ensure that you have a good supplier. No matter what you do, there is one key and one key only to how to start a small business: dedication. Without it, you just will not survive in the business world, and that's that.You have to trust your gut, after all, and you have to know that you have good instincts. If you don't have good instincts for business, no amount of coaching will help you to succeed. If you don't know how to start a small business yourself, no one can show you how. There's just too much that can go wrong. Everyone will have different opinions on what you should do and what you shouldn't. You have to be willing to act on your own judgments, and not take other people's opinions as fact. After all, the important thing is not so much making the right choices, but making choices and sticking with them. There're many strategies for
how to start a small business
but all of them require conviction. If you do not have the tenacity, there's no way that you will learn how to start a small business. You will fail unless you can trust yourself. So before you start your own small business, you should do some soul-searching.One day you'll discover than trust and beliefs can do much more in your life than you thought. Have you already had such a feeling, the kind of sensation you can't put words on?
To Your Success!
Identify The Steps Up To The Success
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 5:21 pm | business, goal, guideline, motivation, steps | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Like in any activity such as sport, business or whatever it's necessary to use a guideline.
It's a way to know exactly where you are now through the process you started.
Having a look on it will help you find more motivation to keep looking forward.
Let's take an example:
Your goal is
"Within 6 months, I want to earn $100 daily online."
You must determine the steps to follow to achieve it.
Step 0: Chose carefully what you want to sell (now).
Step 1: Find a short, easy to memorize .com domain name to buy (in 2 weeks).
Keep it as easy as possible.
Of course the domain name must refer to the products you are to promote.
Step 2: Have some content ready to publish (in 2 months).
Between 20 and 30 articles should be a good start.
Step 3: Prepare your website offline (in 3 months).
Use templates or pay someone to build your website.
Step 4: Publish your website online (in 4 months).
Step 5: Start working on your SEO[1] (in 4 1/2 months).
This task will need to be "refreshed" frequentely.
Step 6: Publish a squeeze page[2] (in 5 months).
It will help you to start building your list.
Step 7: Drive traffic to your website (in 5 1/2 months).
There are many technics you can use such as PPC[3], banner exchange, links exchange, publication in e-zines, etc.
Step 8: Make your sweetest sale: the very first one (in 6 months).
Step 9: Keep working to get those $100 daily online.
[1] SEO: search Engine Optimization
[2] Squeeze page: an opt-in page
[3] PPC: Pay Per Clic
You Need A Goal To Achieve
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 12:12 pm | achievement, business, dollars, goal, motivation, steps | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
In any business, you need to set a Goal to achieve.
This is really the first step to success.
- If you don't have a goal, you won't be able to find motivation.
- If you don't have a goal, you can't measure your success.
Long is the road to success.
You clearly need to identify the steps up to the success.
Don't make it vague: "I want to be rich."
Something like "I want to earn $100 daily online" is clear.
To be prepared to achieve this, you must set a time limit such as:
"Within 6 months, I want to earn $100 daily online."
In 6 months, you will set an higher limit.

Time for action.
Write this goal on a paper.
Purchasing Home Based Business Leads
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 9:45 pm | business, business-leads, convert, converting, home-based, home-business, leads, products, test, working-from-home | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
There're so many advantages working from home this isn't a surprise so much people are thinking about it. This is probably the best way to drive your own life the way you wish. No one will tell you any more what you have to do. To start your own business, one solution may be to
buy home based business leads...
One of the fastest growing trends in our country at this time is
having a home based business.
More and more people are finding that they want to change their family life by not having their children raised in a daycare home. Many employees are taking their lives back instead of working long hours to make someone else rich. The employees are happy that they can invest a few hours each day in the comfort of their home and make a good living. The entire time the children are able to leave for school from home, return to the family home after school and have their parent available to them for after school activities. A home based business allows people to put their family first because you set you own work schedule.There're so many advantages to being in control of your own business. For every one that I list another person can most likely come up with two or three more. The important thing is to get your business off to a strong start and keep growing it so that it works for you. The best way to do this is to get reliable home based business leads. This may sound elementary, but it's crucial. There're many companies that sell home based business leads, that in fact is the person's own home based business. Not all of the leads are as reliable as others so it pays to research the supplier of the home based business leads to insure that the leads you're getting are what you are paying for.
The leads come in many types of categories. The more screened the lead is regarding interest in getting involved with a home based company, the more expensive it is. As I've been working with home based business leads I've found that I like to have more than one category of lead available to me at a time. I'll purchase a small package of the more expensive leads as well as a group of leads that are cheaper because they're older or haven't gone through any screening process. This way I'll always have leads available to contact. I've found that I don't like using companies that gather their home based business leads by gathering information from people for a giveaway. These leads aren't interested in home based businesses and they either ask a great deal of questions, which takes a great deal of time or they're angry - which is bad to build a business - that you've got their contact information. I've found the most success with mid priced leads that include people that have expressed an interest in learning more about home based businesses. My advice is to try more than one company to find out who provides you with the best quality for the price. Try purchasing a small
sample of home based business leads
from different companies and test what's converting best for your products.To Your Success!
Creative Advertisement Ideas
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 10:54 pm | advertising, brand, consulting, creative, creative-advertisement-ideas, ideas, marketing, marketing-campaign, message, Seattle, slogan | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Last month, I discussed through Skype with Karen a former colleague of mine. When we were colleague in the same American software company, she was one of the most talented person of our marketing team in Seattle. She's now an advertising account executive...
She absolutely loves her new job. People in marketing and advertising either love what they do or they hate it. Those who love it go far. Those who don't tend to burn out after a few years. She's one of the former group, and has started to go somewhere in her career. Karen recently got promoted to full advertising account executive. Although she loves her duties, her favorite part of the job isn't managing accounts or meeting with people. She's getting in on the ground floor and coming up with
creative advertisement ideas
this is what she likes doing.There's more to an advertisement idea than advertising slogans. People outside of the advertising industry would be surprised at the diversity of approaches there're. You may not know this, but there's not only one way to do marketing and advertising. Some firms take a very traditional approach. They plan out every aspect of the clients marketing campaign from the ground up. They start with image consulting, do research on demographics and brand loyalty, test market a number of slogans, and in general take their times about things, doing a careful job. In her company, they take a much different approach. They're working with medium and small corporations looking to get off the ground. They find creative advertisement ideas that look like they would work and run with them as quickly as possible.
The best advertisement idea encompasses everything. It conveys a message, an advertising slogan, a marketing strategy, and an advantage over the competition. Sometimes, advertisement slogans hit as a burst of inspiration. People spend a lot of time talking about branding and brand loyalty, but sometimes a clever skit or a commercial with some good eye candy is enough. This is like : "Tell me all you want to about the jaded consumers of today & I can still sell to them". Every time some advertisement ideas gets old, new ideas come about to replace them.
Still, advertisement ideas can't completely ignore the audience. If they do, they won't help the company no matter how clever they're. A certain well-known beer company, for example, recently alienated a number of its fans with what looked like a good advertisement idea on the surface. They market an inexpensive but fairly high quality amber ale that is often consumed by liberal arts college students who like good beer, but don't have a lot of money. When they went for a more jock-oriented audience using advertisements that heavily sexualized women, they sacrificed segments of their core market without guaranteeing inroads against the better-known cheap beers. The most
creative advertisement ideas
may have been clever, but they were ultimately counter-productive.To Your Success!
Ethical Advertising Practices
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 9:08 pm | advertise, advertising, advice, business, credibility, ethic, ethical-offer, guarantee, honest, internet marketing, marketer, money-back, promote, respect | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
A successful website marketer needs impeccable advertising ethics. Working as an ethical marketer worth the extra time and efforts you will have to make. See below why...
Having a website business offers plenty of advantages over a brick-and-mortar business. You can essentially automate many business functions, you can choose your hours on a flexible schedule that suits your lifestyle and not have the overhead of property leases and so forth. Hopefully, you enjoy your work, but one of the main reasons you're in business is to make money. When you give good service and stand behind your promises to customers, you naturally meet with greater success. After all, the drawback of a web-based business is that your customers don't typically meet you face to face. You must work a little harder to gain their trust and establish your credibility as an honest, ethical marketer.
Developing good advertising ethics requires that you generally adopt that time honored adage, 'the customer's always right'. Anyone who has worked with the public knows that dissatisfied customers may be unreasonable, but if you treat them with respect and treat them fairly, they'll return. For example, if you advertise a product with a money back guarantee, you've got to be prepared to stand behind that promise. There are people who will take advantage of such offers, but those are very few. All it takes is one disgruntled customer to put a terrible mark on your reputation. Just as with a single disgruntled customer, who believes they've been treated badly, can spread the word about with their friends and online message boards, a happy customer also tells others of your impeccable advertising ethics.
Let's say you put up a page on your site, making an offer good through a certain date. You mistype the date, and your customer is misled, believing it's good for an additional period of time. It's your mistake. Even if you discover the error after publishing, good advertising ethics requires that you allow the extended time period. Why? If you modify the page to correct the date, what happens when a previous visitor returns to make the purchase? You must honor the offer as published.
In a case like this, you can try to earn yourself a few PR points and turn it to your advantage. You could insert a note, right above the offer, to let your customers know you goofed, but are still going to honor the offer. You may even gain more sales, because your visitors have mentally calculated that your advertising ethics must be pretty trustworthy. You didn't have to honor it, but you did. Although we know there're some genuinely unscrupulous marketers out there, it doesn't make much sense for a legitimate business person to not embrace a high standard of advertising ethics in his marketing business. It does a business good!
Resource about Ethical Advertising at Icharter.
To Your Success!
Studying History of Advertising
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 11:51 pm | advertising, advertising-history, business, campaign, history, internet-marketing, marketing | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
At the several moments of your Business & Entrepreneurship experience some advertising may drive more customers resulting in more profits. Let's see in this article a brief history of advertising.
In advertising more than in almost any other field, there 's constant pressure to keep up with the times. It really is a matter of life and death if you work in marketing and advertising. Marketing advertising campaigns need to come up with constant new ways to appeal to a changing market, and this requires advertising executives to be more in touch with current popular culture than even the hippest teenager.
In many ways, this is a good thing, but it does have a bad side as well. Many advertisers, although well-read in current events, tend to be almost completely unaware of the history of advertising. Some of them know a bit about the history of art or literature, being humanities people, but almost none of them have any knowledge about the origins of their own field.They're generally required to take a class or two on the history of product advertising in school, but this is about as far as it goes.
This is a shame, if you ask me. Don't be surprised the professional life is full of such people not watching the full circle. Not only is the history of advertising interesting, but it's also useful. Advertisers tend to be very pragmatic people, and so they do not study the history of advertising, assuming it to be dry and academic. Nothing could be further from the truth, in point of fact.
You see, advertising is designed to be tuned into popular culture. As such, it's subject to all of the constantly shifting whims and trends that pop culture experiences. Studying the history of advertising is so important because valuable advertising strategies tend to fade away almost as quickly as they're invented. Studying the history of print advertising, for example, can put you in touch with the past masters of marketing. They had to work wholly in print, and as such their word play and use of language was often much more sophisticated than that used by modern advertising executives.
By studying history of advertising, you can borrow from the strategies of the past as a way of creating the advertising campaigns of the future. That's why continuing education on the history of advertising is mandatory in good marketing firms. A lot of competitors find this obsession with the history of advertising to be somewhat quaint, but they do not question the success that they might have reached in last years. Paying equal attention to the past and the future won't make your firm the fastest growing firm in the industry but probably one of the most appreciated and profitable in your business!
More resources about History of Advertising at
To Your Success!
Making Money Online: is that Possible?
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 9:24 am | from-home, home-based, Internet-opportunities, making-money, money, online-money, online-surveys, paid surveys | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Please allow me to present you this topic as it won't take long before you will get to know everything about it.
In a few words, making money online is possible whenever you already understand what you have to do. You need clear starting instructions to succeed. For anyone that watches late night television and infomercials it's not news that there're many business opportunities on the Internet. There're advertisements in print media, television and a few months ago I heard a commercial on the radio. With all the hype about home based and Internet based business opportunities I decided that I would look into it to see if I could supplement our income.
Believe it or not, there are many sites that make huge claims about making money online. In my research I found that some of them are complete scams and others are complicated business ventures. I did come up with a few pitfalls and tools that I used in sorting out the opportunities. It's very easy to get caught up in spending money to obtain information. That's the first pitfall that I fell into. When looking into making money online do not pay for information about the opportunity. We've all come across the sites that claim that you can make thousands of dollars a week spending a few minutes a day whenever you want to. Most of these sites call themselves data entry opportunities. They tell you that if you can type an email you can do the job and make thousands of dollars a week. The information that's not shared prior to buying into the company is that you need to spend a great deal of money posting the advertisements that you type up. I paid to learn more about the data entry positions.
With this in mind, you should only pay
- to get a domain name to put your business online
- to advertise through ppc campaigns with Adwords for example
- to buy softwares you need to leverage your business
In brief, I was told that all I needed to do was to fill out forms and post them on the Internet. I was not told that I first had to pay to get the forms and then had to pay to post them. I also had to research which company had the greatest potential of helping me recoup my money as well as make a profit. It was a very complicated and misleading experience.
After that, the next pitfall that I fell into in trying to make money online was get paid to surf or read emails. This was really time consuming and believe me just to earn 0.01$ to 0.05$ it doesn't worth the efforts you make. It all changed when I learnt the basics of Affiliation Marketing, took Paid Online Surveys and wrote in French or English sponsored articles. That was enough to start making money online. As I'm very serious about creating my home based business, I saved the money I earned for those 3 sources and reinvested all in softwares and books. This was the best investment I could do because my business continued to grow. Taking your time you'll for sure find the business that suits you best. It will your own path to success. Indeed there's no miracle potion to earn money online. Tries and errors are one key to your success!
Making money online is possible, but it is not a get rich quick scheme and the old saying " if it sounds too good to be true it probably isn't " definitely applies. Want to learn something more? Check out the other articles if you're willing to learn something new in every article.
To Your Success!
Related articles:
Advertising is Building a Profitable Small Business
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 8:01 pm | advertise, advertising, bizness, business, customer, investing-money, investment, marketing, message, money, new-ideas, profitable, secrets, small-business, world-wide-web | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
When you want to go into business, there're many things you have to worry about. One of the biggest things you should think about is what makes some new ideas profitable small businesses, and why others fail within a year. There're many things you can do to help get things going, but if you forget the most simple things, you're going to fail. Though you may think they're huge secrets, in reality, they're actually quite obvious. They cannot save every single business, but they can give you a leg up from the start.
Most people think about inventory, but they don't know if they've what someone wants. The truth is, there isn't much that anyone needs to have, not essentially anyway. The basics are food, clothing, shelter, and water. Everything else is just gravy. You've to find ways to make people think that they've to purchase your product, even if you know darn well they don't. You've to make everyone know their life will be better because of it, and if they pass, they're going to regret it. That might sound strange to someone selling stuffed bears or something like that, but that's the attitude you have to show. It's a great key to profitable small businesses. You have to show your prospects how your products will save them time, save money, relieve their pain or make them happy giving them some kind of pleasure. This work is between emotions and feelings.
You've to tweak this message and advertise it everywhere you can. Don't just put a few different ads in a few places, you really want to make sure everyone in your projected demographic can get the message that they need to come and see you right away. Too many potentially profitable small businesses end up going bankrupt just because they didn't bother to put enough money into advertising. You can have a great interior, amazing product, and the most highly trained staff in town, but you can't know that you'll have one of the most profitable small businesses unless people know where to find you and what you have to offer.
Use every available way to promote your business: spread the word into the world wide web and everywhere you can offline. Also remember to make customers the main priority once you get them in the door. Too many business are forgetting the fine art of keeping the customer happy once they manage to get them in the door. You might think that it's okay to brush off one person, but you might find that this has a bad chain reaction. It only takes one disgruntled and very talkative person to drive away future business.
To Your Success!
Protection from Identity Theft
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 12:27 pm | advice, bank, email, identity, identity-theft, Internet, measures, paypal, phishing, secure, security, spyware, stealing-informations | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Online shoppers, home based workers, self-employed persons have at least one thing in common when using a computer connected to the Internet: they've to be careful to protect their identity and credit card data from online-robbers. It seems that there're more headaches with identity theft nowadays than ever before. Could it be our constant connection with the Internet? Just maybe things are crawling into your personal files that you never invited. Yeah, it's certainly a scary thought. Maybe it's time you asked yourself, what am I doing to prevent identity theft? You should know that there're certain preventive measures you can take in order to stay safe. The truth is we all need protection from identity theft, because it's impossible to keep up with who might snatch our personal information.
Consider a few preventative steps. Number one is to guard your social security number with your life. Now I'm not telling you to die for it literally, but you get the general idea. Most people do not need this information. Sure, you'll use it a great deal in college, and maybe a few times after when you purchase a home or vehicle. Maybe take out a life insurance policy. But in general it's not necessary to reveal, and I'd seriously question those who request it. Another step you can take for protection from identity theft is to avoid random scams. Most likely you've encountered some of these by email before. Maybe they tell you that you've won some kind of lottery or something unbelievable. Don't take the bait! It's clearly too good to be true. How can you win something if you haven't played any sweepstakes or lottery? You should always be sure to shred your personal mail/documents. Destroy it and don't allow others to get their hands on it. They could ruin your credit if they do. Always keep your financial information to yourself. If you're going to buy online, I suggest you get a credit card that supplies you with a specific online number. This helps prevent against others getting access to your real card number.
Get a credit report! You can acquire one of these online for free. Find out what's currently up with your credit standing. You've to check these things on occasion. Someone could have already blemished your credit without you even knowing. And always be certain to protect your personal computer from viruses and spyware. Don't let hackers slip in and steal your information. Finally, make sure you stop pre-approved credit card pitches. Someone else could get their hands on this and go shopping. When in doubt, ask oodles of questions regarding any pitch or purchase. These measures will help with protection from identity theft. Last advice: when you receive an email from ebay, paypal or your bank asking you to connect to your account for any purpose check it carefully. In most cases it'll be an attempt from online robbers to steal your informations and use them at their profit. Don't click the link, this is phishing. If you have any doubt contact ebay, paypal or your bank by phone and report them this email.
To Your Safety!
Making Extra Money is Recovering Self-Confidence
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 11:54 am | affiliate, affiliate-programs, earning, extra-money, Internet, Internet-business, internet-marketing, Internet-opportunities, money, surveys | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
When you're dead broke, it's hard to maintain good judgment when someone tells you that they know how to make extra money. You might know that whatever making extra money spiel they have is nothing but a get rich quick scheme, but part of you wants to believe it anyway. After all, people get lucky right? You might be down on your luck, working for minimum wage in a gas station, but this cannot be all that life has in store for you, can it? Maybe whatever particular sales man you're coming across, be it in the want ads or on the Internet, has just what you need to help you in your quest for making extra money. There's nothing quite as scary as being flat broke, and most people will take any out that they think they can.
Nevertheless, it's important to maintain your skepticism. Most people look for a quick solution to making extra money, and this makes them vulnerable to being even more exploited than they're in the present job! Don't ever believe, follow or buy any method to become rich effortless or in a few days. Every business building needs time, efforts and money!
It's so easy to think that you'll find your way to making extra money through some crackpot Internet investment scheme. If you try hard enough, you might convince yourself that this one is the one! Whether it's selling domain names, stuffing envelopes, or some kind of pyramid scheme, you might just fall for it even if you already know that these kind of things never help you in making extra money. After all, when it's getting near the end of the month and rent is due, it might just feel like this is your last chance.
The greatest obstacle to making extra money that most people face is not that they have not run into that million to one special chance, but that they have lost most of their self-confidence. When everything is working out for you, it's easy to hustle for an even better job. You have this belief that you can succeed in anything, and that making extra money will be nothing difficult for you to do. When you're at the bottom of the totem pole, however, and are absolutely desperate for any method of making extra money known to man, it's paradoxically much more difficult to keep your hopes up. When you get down on yourself people will see your lack of self-confidence, and your dreams of making extra money get just that much further away.
Update: Amongst my 2 favourite ways to earn money online are:
To Your Success!
Starting Your Own Business with Government Loan
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 10:43 am | bankruptcy, being-your-own-boss, business-owner, capital, finance, goverment-loan, loan, ruin, small-business, starting-a-business | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Do you also share the dream of being your own boss? Do you know where to get the money to get started in this new business of your own? Starting their own business is a dream for many people. Whether you're thinking about starting your own consulting business, or you want to own a business franchise, there're many options to make you a small business owner. One of the most common misconceptions among people who want to know how to start their own business is that you need a lot of capital to start up. This is far from true. You need money to start your own business, but you don't need to have that money yourself. There're plenty of small business loans available if you can fill out all the requisite paperwork and make the right connections. When I first decided to start my own business, I barely had a dime. I had a few good ideas, a nice suit, and a government loan. That was all I needed.
You don't need to have money to start out launching small business, but you better make some money if you don't! Otherwise, you can go massively into debt from starting your own business. This is obviously not good for your entrepreneur mindset. IMO, you need to achieve steps by steps goals to feel happy. Falling into debts from the very beginning won't be helpful to keep Faith in your business and also into yourself. Although there're bankruptcy options available, they've gotten much less appealing as the laws have changed. Nowadays, going into debt starting your own business can spell financial ruin for many people. You had best not let this happen. It's always good to have a little bit of money to fall back on just in case. If you're thinking about quitting your day job: save or borrow around 6 months of your previous wage to allow working on your new business without financial pressure.
Nonetheless, I don't want to make you think that starting your own business is all that difficult. It really depends on what kind of business you go into. If you want to start your own restaurant, you had better be used to disappointment. Unless you are starting your own business running a restaurant franchise, you have a huge chance of failure within the first year or two. Most restaurants go under. The only reason that restaurant businesses get financed at all, in fact, is that rich patrons wants to have a place to take their guests to entertain them. Are you going to leave your day job like did Tom Scavo in Desesperate Housewives? Are you going to reach the same success as he does? No one but you can answer those questions.
Deciding to start your own retail business can be a little bit less risky, but it's still tough.
The key to starting your own business is having a niche. A friend of mine, for example, decided to start a retail business selling locally made handicrafts. Although there weren't that many people who wanted to buy his wares, there were some, and they were fanatical. They would come in there every week and buy something. Starting a business can work as long as you have a few regular clients. There's also another aspect we haven't talked about in the creation of your own business: your satisfaction to make - build - create something by yourself!
Related article:
To Your Success!
Looking For Small Business Advices?
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 1:30 am | advice, business, secrets, small-business, tips | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Every business starts out small. The people who own chains like Wal-Mart or perhaps Sears did not start out with a series of stores. They started out just like every other business owner out there. Though there're a lot of small businesses that fail, there're some that grow and thrive as if they've taken on a life of their own. When you're starting out you need some really good small business advice to get you going in the right direction. There're many places where you can get this type of advice, and it'll be up to you to decide what advice is good, and what you should ignore.
If you want to get small business advice from someone in your own community, you want to look for a successful business in your area that'll not be in competition with you. Though someone who might be direct competition for you, they may be willing to give you advice, but I wouldn't count on it. You want to ask someone for small business advice if the creation or existence of your business will not threaten his or her own success. That may sound like common sense but there're many who don't take that into consideration.
You may also get small business advice by looking online. For example, visit Business forums and post a question. You may have to weed through hundreds of bad web sites to find a good one, but there's a lot of great advice out there. Much of it's common sense, but there're sometimes when even the smartest people need to have things spelled out for them. Small business advice is mostly common sense, but there're trick and tips that can help a struggling business become a very successful business. Sometimes, it's just a matter of making a few small tweaks in your plan.
There're many books out there that offer small business advice as well. Visit Amazon or Barnes & Noble to check if a book is available for your business. These are often great sources of information. These are written by those who have had great success with a small business, and they're now willing to share what they know with everyone else. This small business advice might be catered to one type of business, but you can always take these tips and apply them to your own endeavor. What works for one business might not work for another, but with a little work and creative thinking, you can find the advice you need.
To Your Success!
Are Working from Home Data Entry Jobs all Scams?
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 6:52 am | 6th-sense, applicants, data-entry-jobs, Google, intuition, job-offer, job-search, resume, scams, working-from-home | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
I'm a firm believer everybody can work on something she loves. The only rule is to listen to your inner voice, call it whatever you wish - your conscience - your 6th sense - your intuition... Tempted by those working from home data entry jobs? Look closely before you leap! You're absolutely fed up with your current job. You go into work, day after day, spending your money on gas and office clothing and have nothing to show for the entire effort. You'd much rather be a stay at home Mom and find one of those working from home data entry jobs you've heard about from friends. You've gone so far as to look online for these jobs, feeling certain that there's a plum of a job just waiting for you. If you Google 'work from home data entry', you'll find hundreds of thousands of results. When you click through to some of these sites, you're told that you can make large sums of money, much more than your current job pays. of course, the work is easy and with just a few hours a day devoted to this work, you can pay the bills and have money left over. What's wrong with this picture?
For one thing, 95% of these 'opportunities' require a nominal - let's say $25 - fee, up front, in order to gain access to the full details, or to cover the costs of 'setting you up in business'. Plenty of people fall for this ploy. They figure that it's a small price to pay if, as a result, they gain freedom from the same old 9 to 5 and no longer need to spend big bucks on gas, proper office attire and day care expenses. The outcome is always disappointing. The fact is, those working from home data entry job offers are almost always, without exception, scams. Think about it. If an employer had a legitimate need for people to do data entry work from home, why wouldn't that employer hire from within the company? Why would they put out an ad on the net to an audience of millions of hopefuls? That employer's staff would be drowned in resumes and applicants. If there were such a need, a simple newspaper ad would produce all the applicants he'd ever need in a lifetime.
This is not to say that you'll never find a work from home position. It's far from truth... This is exactly what I do now. I made this choice and took the time to make it real. You will need to look a little harder and focus your attention on skills other than data entry. There're a few legitimate websites which screen employers for you. You should not ever pay a fee, and most particularly not for a working from home data entry job. Here's a suggestion which might produce a real job: Google 'telecommute jobs your-skillset'. If the website or agent wants a fee just to show you what he has, move on. Be diligent and consistent in your search effort and you may just get lucky!
To Your Success!
Business Opportunity Seekers are Welcome!
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 6:28 pm | business, business-leads, Internet, Internet-opportunities, mailing-list, opportunities, opportunity-seeker, survey | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
In the last 15 years, the Internet has opened many opportunities for people to earn money at home. It has also opened many opportunities for con-artists to come into our homes. When looking at deals and opportunities on the Internet it's important to make sure that you're dealing with reputable people and companies prior to giving out too much personal information. I remember a friend of mine who tried last year to start a business out of her home.
She had seen so many advertisements on the internet as well as the television about making money from home by being your own boss that she thought that this seemed like an interesting thing to look into. She did a search on general business opportunity seekers to see where she would be lead. Her very first search produced several thousands hits. Of course, she knew that not all of the business opportunity seekers could possibly be legitimate. But the problem she had to face at this moment was: she didn't know how to begin to sort through the vast numbers.
She opened a few sights and read about various opportunities for home base businesses. Some of the sites seemed like they were very well done and professional and others looked like they were put together by a third grader. She could not believe that there were sites that were proclaiming to be looking for serious business opportunity seekers, yet they had many misspelled words as well as wording that did not make sense.
A few clues to detect a serious online company to work for:
- the website copyright is updated © 2006 or anything else than 2007 won't appear very pro
- the sales page must provide the major possible payments methods such as major credit cards, PayPal, checks and why not money orders
- ideally they may pay you once or twice a month after you reached a minimum amount
- if you pay to join them (in most cases less than $100) they MUST have a refund policy for at least 1 month, more time to test the opportunity is of course always better
- that company may be able to produce testimonies on demand
Her husband was leery of having their telephone number out on the internet, but she filled out the survey form and hoped for the best. She was contacted by four companies that have legitimate businesses through the internet. One in particular offered a great deal of support from other business owners as well as a product that was on the market for several years and well backed by the company. There were several business opportunity seekers that had already joined the company and she was given there contact information to discuss the business with them. She decided that this would be a good business to become involved with. She hasn't gotten rich, but she's making enough money to stay at home and still help her to pay bills.
You may also join a Business opportunity seekers mailing list. I hope this story may be inspirational for you...
To Your Success!
Telemarketing Lists: Pros and Cons
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 6:36 am | business, calls, home-based, part-time, phone, phonecalls, telemarketer, telemarketing-list | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
A few years ago before starting my own home based business part time,I worked for an huge American company. One of my best friend colleague was working as a telemarketer, he was fully aware of how much people hated him. You would not believe how many angry responses he get when he called people up around dinnertime. Indeed people hate being disturbed by people they don't know. He knew that he was doing a somewhat inconsiderate job, but the American public has to understand something: if telemarketing didn't work, there wouldn't be anyone doing it. The company used telemarketing lists to target the most likely clients, but ultimately it all comes down to making a lot of cold calls. If you've a thick skin and a charming demeanor, you can sell ice to an Eskimo with or without telemarketing call lists. If not, you'll probably get out of the business pretty quickly. Either way, he didn't felt too bad about what I did most of the time. After all, if you really hated him, you only had to put up with him for long enough to hang up the phone.
It's pretty tough being a telemarketer. The first couple months that I remember he was doing it, he was depressed all the time. At this time, I really wondered how he could do this job any longer. He knew that the people who were shouting at him would never meet him in person, and would probably like him if they did meet him, but he did'nt make things any better. Taking all that abuse takes its toll on you until you learn to distance yourself from it. One of the toughest things about telemarketing is that you don't have control over who you're calling. The company is responsible for the telemarketing lists used in their business to contact the prospects. You don't make the decisions. If they've got bad
telemarketing lists
you might get shouted at all evening. If they've good ones, you might make a killing even if you're new to the business. Either way, it's usually out of your hands.The invention of the telemarketing no call list under popular pressure from the American public has only made things more difficult. You see, often you are responsible for your own no-call list. Rather than incorporating it with the regular telemarketing list, they leave them as two separate items for some reason. That means that you've to double check your telemarketing lists as you're making your phone calls. Not only does this take longer, but it's a poor system for catching stray calls before they go out. Basically, if you're at it for long enough you're bound to call someone on the telemarketing no call lists.
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