By Arthur Orchid

Save money in less than one single minute.

I was looking for an hosting company for a couple of websites I'm currently working on.

As hosting company I chose this company because of some interesting features they proposed me:

  • the possibility to host 20 sites on 1 account
  • the price (less than $7 per month)
  • $120 Advertising Credits (Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, ...)
  • unlimited MySQL databases
and also other things I don't need at the moment such as unlimited emails using the domain names I created.

Suscribing I noticed a field called Coupon Code:

Using my favourite tool - Google - I found where tons of coupons to use on the web are available.

Typing my choice of hosting company, I found a 3 months for free coupon (I almost $21 saved in less than 1 minute).


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