By Arthur Orchid

It may appear as an elementary advice but you shouldn't spend more money than available to start your business.

You need and wish to make a sane business.
So work at your own pace.

It will be useless & dangerous to go too fast.
You have to build your success step by step.

Before being able to spend more money than today you have 2 solutions :

  1. save money
  2. earn money either offline or online
Don't start subscribing to Premium services or buying an expensive software.

Don't pay to become affiliate: there are already hundreds of companies offering serious and free affiliation.

No need to pay so far.

To make HTML or PHP, Dreamweaver is not the only good software you can use:
Have a look to Nvu.

It won't be good for your mindset to start with debts.

Remember, there are guidelines to follow to ensure your success achievement...

What should you do now?
  1. You have to determine a goal to achieve
  2. You have to follow your own step by step guidelines
Stop making excuses and work from now!

I recommend you to start preparing some fresh content for your site.

When you earn some fresh money (say from $100), you will be able to outsource this task.

Until next time, have a nice day!


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6 commentaires

  1. Anonymous // October 06, 2007 9:44 am  

    Most people never realize that starting a business (Even internet business) takes time.

    One year to 6 months before you make that first 1000 a month.

    So please HOLD ON to your money and get the right knowledge first before you jump in.

    The internet is great yes your income can explode BUT not right off the bat. It takes time.

    June Beezy

  2. Anonymous // October 06, 2007 8:08 pm  

    Great advice, a lot of people start off by spending all their money and think that it will help them become rich.

    The only thing that helps is hard work.

  3. Arthur Orchid // October 08, 2007 10:14 am  

    Hi June,

    It's also a matter of time.

    You can start a business without spending a great deal of money (as you don't have it yet) but this is imposible not to spend time.

    I see a business creation like a stair to climb: one step after one step.

    Only time smartly spent allows you to go the next step.


  4. Arthur Orchid // October 08, 2007 12:11 pm  

    Hi Jens,

    In any new action there's a timing.
    Spending money should'nt be the 1st thing to do.

    I will advice people, to read & study their business before starting.

    I will soon write about it here.


  5. Cheree // October 10, 2007 4:32 pm  

    Great advice! This is a mistake I see so many people make when they try to start making an income on line. All of the ads and opportunities are so seductive, you think "if I just buy this one product..." and before you know it, your credit cards are maxed out and you weren't an overnight millionaire. Time and patience is far more important than the monetary investment. So much can be done on a shoe-string. Thanks for the good info!


  6. Arthur Orchid // October 10, 2007 4:58 pm  

    Hi Cheree,

    Of course all those offers are very seductive & always finish making you feel guilty if don't buy this new & amazing product...

    It is just a marketing way to sell nothing else.
    It's smart because it plays with emotions.

    This is truly an error to start investing so much to start a sane business.

    All we need to invest is time + work.
    That's all!

    See you soon!