By Arthur Orchid
Last month, I discussed through Skype with Karen a former colleague of mine. When we were colleague in the same American software company, she was one of the most talented person of our marketing team in Seattle. She's now an advertising account executive...
She absolutely loves her new job. People in marketing and advertising either love what they do or they hate it. Those who love it go far. Those who don't tend to burn out after a few years. She's one of the former group, and has started to go somewhere in her career. Karen recently got promoted to full advertising account executive. Although she loves her duties, her favorite part of the job isn't managing accounts or meeting with people. She's getting in on the ground floor and coming up with
creative advertisement ideas
this is what she likes doing.There's more to an advertisement idea than advertising slogans. People outside of the advertising industry would be surprised at the diversity of approaches there're. You may not know this, but there's not only one way to do marketing and advertising. Some firms take a very traditional approach. They plan out every aspect of the clients marketing campaign from the ground up. They start with image consulting, do research on demographics and brand loyalty, test market a number of slogans, and in general take their times about things, doing a careful job. In her company, they take a much different approach. They're working with medium and small corporations looking to get off the ground. They find creative advertisement ideas that look like they would work and run with them as quickly as possible.
The best advertisement idea encompasses everything. It conveys a message, an advertising slogan, a marketing strategy, and an advantage over the competition. Sometimes, advertisement slogans hit as a burst of inspiration. People spend a lot of time talking about branding and brand loyalty, but sometimes a clever skit or a commercial with some good eye candy is enough. This is like : "Tell me all you want to about the jaded consumers of today & I can still sell to them". Every time some advertisement ideas gets old, new ideas come about to replace them.
Still, advertisement ideas can't completely ignore the audience. If they do, they won't help the company no matter how clever they're. A certain well-known beer company, for example, recently alienated a number of its fans with what looked like a good advertisement idea on the surface. They market an inexpensive but fairly high quality amber ale that is often consumed by liberal arts college students who like good beer, but don't have a lot of money. When they went for a more jock-oriented audience using advertisements that heavily sexualized women, they sacrificed segments of their core market without guaranteeing inroads against the better-known cheap beers. The most
creative advertisement ideas
may have been clever, but they were ultimately counter-productive.To Your Success!
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