By Arthur Orchid
If you don't have yet a PayPal account you ignore what you're missing... This article will give you an overview about the great possibilities you get using a PayPal Account.
Most people that purchase products or services on the internet are probably familiar with a PayPal account. PayPal is a payment system offered by many merchants, like Ebay. In fact, PayPal is their preferred method of payment because it makes transactions fast and easy. PayPal accounts are easy to set up and easy to use, and it's free to buyers. It makes no difference if you are a buyer, seller, or merchant: PayPal is accepted worldwide. Using the PayPal payment service, users are able to send money and invoices to anyone with an email address. Most people who are even somewhat familiar with a computer have an email address, and if they don't, they can easily set one up. This simplifies life for everyone all around, and there aren't too many people that would object to that!You've undoubtedly seen the PayPal logo on most sites which have goods or services for sale. Most sellers on Ebay use PayPal accounts, because it greatly simplifies transactions for the buyer and seller. Buyer's purchases on Ebay are also secured up to $1000. A PayPal account also keeps the buyers credit card or bank account information secure, therefore the seller never sees the buyer's personal financial information. Since identity theft and fraud is on the rise, this is a way to limit the amount of financial information you disclose to merchants and keeps it out of the hands of those who shouldn't have it. Many Internet merchants also offer PayPal payment services to their customers for this special reason. It simplifies the whole process for everyone, and keeps disclosure of personal financial information to a minimum.
Visit for all the information you need to sign up for a PayPal account. PayPal is fast, easy, and secure, and members have many more options available to them than to those without it. Buyers and sellers can easily keep track of all transactions, and customize their account profile to fit their needs. As I mentioned earlier, PayPal account is free to buyers, but sellers are charged a small fee depending on the amount of the transaction, and funds can be transferred to a bank account for free. Nominal fees apply for other types of withdrawal methods, like the PayPal ATM card or PayPal issued draft. Because PayPal is accepted worldwide, any individual or business with a PayPal account can exchange money all electronically with very little effort.
Every week, I buy on merchants' websites and get money on my PayPal Account from Affiliate sales, this is obviously the kind of online transaction tool I love!
PayPal Account Makes Purchases Easier and Safer
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 9:46 am | e-commerce, ecommerce, online, online banking, payment, payment proccessor, paypal, paypal account, purchases easier and safer | 0 commentaires »Effective Marketing Promotions
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 10:14 am | costs, effective promotions, giveaways, marketing, marketing ideas, marketing promotions, promote, strategy, tips | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
I've always felt that marketing promotions were broadly applied but not very well thought out. Promotional marketing in some ways is a pretty good idea for a wide variety of things. You can give out pens, calculators, or other little trinkets with your brand name on it. This is a way to spend little money on an advertising campaign that will generate some degree of name recognition. The question of how effective these promotional marketing campaigns are is open, however. If I open my pen drawer, I'll find dozens of promotional pens and erasers in there, but I couldn't name a single brand offhand. Unless you sell something like stationary which people associate with pens, these type of promotional giveaways are nothing but a waste of money.
In my opinion and I always tell my clients this marketing promotions should only be done for special purposes. Guerrilla marketing can work wonderfully depending on what kind of product you sell, but the marketing promotion must be carefully tailored. Just going out into a public square and holding a contest or giving away a product will not generate any business for you at all. You need to think strategically.
One of my favorite places to do marketing promotions is at nightclubs and bars. When people are drinking, they'll do what they can to win anything. Whether you are giving away shot glasses, food, drink mixers, or just T-shirts, people will get excited about your marketing promotion. If they get to come home with a souvenir of their night, they'll forever associate it with the fun of going out drinking with friends. This is what successful marketing promotions aim to do: create those kinds of positive associations around your product or brand name.
Hot summer afternoons are also a great time for marketing promotions. If you're willing to spend a few thousand dollars giving away free drinks in a crowded public thoroughfare, people will absolutely love you. Even if you're giving out something that doesn't strictly go along with the weather such as a salty snack people will still be grateful as long as they get some water with it. If you can catch people at an unguarded moment, you can gain their brand loyalty before they even know what hit them. That is what successful marketing promotions are all about. Leave the brand-name pens at home!
Catch The Train To Business Earn Money Online Opportunity
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 1:19 pm | affiliate marketing, earn money online, online business, online opportunities, online surveys, paid surveys, profits, turn your passion into profit | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
We all have to earn money, right? Okay so most of us have to earn a buck. There'll always be the Paris Hiltons of the world, who are fortunately blessed from birth. As for the rest of us mere mortals, an income of some sort is imperative. Our society is designed this way. Of course it would be sweet if we could all just have whatever we want, whenever we want. Then we'd have oodles of free time to travel and enjoy life. Now, back to reality. It's important to find something in this world that you enjoy doing. Chances are you will be doing it for 30 or 40 years. Fortunately the opportunity spectrum isn't quite so limited these days. Take the current business earn money online opportunity. This is becoming all the rage.
It's funny when I meet people. Typically I mingle with other parents while waiting for my daughter after school. They often ask me if I work second or third shift. I snicker and tell them I work from home. Apparently the business earn money online opportunity is not so prominent of a concept in my neck of the woods. I would be willing to bet they wouldn't even ask me this if I were a woman. That's what I get for living in the Midwest. There are a lot of housewives here. They generally expect the men to be the ones working. Regardless of this standard, folks are shocked when I tell them that I work from home. Haven't these people discovered the Internet yet? Even men I talk to will generally respond with, "Dang, I would like to work from home!" Well hey; I've got news for them. Get on your computers and research contemporary business earn money online opportunity. It's not like it's some exclusive club for the divine ones. Anyone with the right skill set can work in cyberspace.
A business earn money online opportunity is probably just around the corner if you do your research. Hop on the web and do a little recon work. Investigate your particular line of work and see if it can be done from home. Or maybe you want to look into other lines of employment that relate to your degree and/or experience. That business earn money online opportunity is feasible. You just have to go after it.
I encourage you to seek your own way. There're hundreds of possibilities, it will be incredible none of them are made for you. You will be making extra money from a business earn money online opportunity and most important: enjoying it!
Related articles:
- Yes Affiliates Make Money!
- Making $25 To Take Paid Online Surveys
- Ways to Turn Your Passion Into Profit
Get a Free Adwords Keyword Tool
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 10:04 pm | Ads, Adwords, Brad Callen, Firefox, free, Free Adwords Keyword Tool, free tools, Google, Internet, Internet marketers, keyword density, keyword-tool, keywords, pay-per-clic, ppc, SEO | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
Whatever is online business is, spying your competition's keywords is the smartest way to gain hordes of traffic to your site...
You could use that traffic to monetize your blog/site through:
- Adsense
- Affiliate marketing
- Sponsored articles
- and much more...
It allows you to browse Google and view the Adwords keywords of ANY Adwords advertiser! Basically, it's a small file that gets installed into your web browser (i.e. Firefox).
When you do a Google search, the software automatically places a "view keywords" button below every single Adwords advertiser.
Click the "view keywords" button and really neat popup window appears that not only shows you the keywords that any Adwords advertiser is bidding on, but it also shows you a TON of other information, like how much they're paying per click and so on.
It's awesome. Every serious Internet marketer uses this free tool.
Anyway, here is the link where you can download the software, and it doesn't cost anything. Get your now Your Free Adwords Keyword Tool!
First Web Based Conferencing
Publié par Arthur Orchid | 11:01 pm | conference calls, Internet, network, softwares, web based, web based conferencing | 0 commentaires »By Arthur Orchid
In 1999 I was working for a company having offices and subsidiaries in several coutries (Seattle (USA), Dublin (UK), Paris (France), Sydney (Australia), etc.) It would have been too expensive to pay flights tickets for all this staff to attend the weekly meetings. Web based conferencing became evident at this time.
I was a little bit apprehensive about first installing web based conferencing. It wasn't that it was prohibitively expensive or that I didn't think that we could use it, but I was worried about becoming too dependent on the new gadget. You see, we have gotten by without ever having a web based conference for years. As a matter of fact, we had few conference calls at all. I had seen businesses become completely dependent on web based conferencing systems, systems that were complex and sometimes failed. Many of these companies did perfectly well without the technology for a while, but once they got it, they couldn't do without it. I was afraid that if our Web conferencing software went off-line, we would be paralyzed.
Fortunately, we have a top-notch guy in IT working in Seattle. He assured me that the web based video conferencing program that we were using was extremely reliable, and that he would personally take responsibility for ensuring that it worked all the time. That's why I hired him: that willingness to step up to the plate and go the extra mile to make sure that things get done. Although it took a while to set up the web based conferencing software, once he did we were all eager to try it. We set up an experimental meeting with all of the various regional offices. We had a new sales policy and, rather than sending out an e-mail about it, we allowed our sales expert to give a lecture on it.
I was surprised by how much more effective it was. It's no secret that half of the people in the company never read the sales e-mails at all. They figure that they know how to do their jobs well enough without the new jargon and techniques. Once they were actually forced to sit and listen to it, however, I could tell that they were tuning in and picking up some useful tips. They asked intelligent questions that proved that they were listening, and helped illuminate the lesson further.
Since then, we have continued using the web based conferencing on a weekly basis. Most of our most important communication still take place over e-mail or in person, but slowly web-based video conferencing becamea bigger and bigger part of our company. It allowed us to check in on each other more thoroughly and communicate more efficiently, things that can only strengthen the company.
Have you ever used Web Based Conferencing? Do you prefer the solutions such as launching your webcam and a software like Skype?
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