By Arthur Orchid

So far you already have a few articles online.
Congrats, this is a good start.

The only problem at the moment is that most of your readers still ignore even your blog's name.

Chosing a meaningful blog's name is also very important.

Let's assume you did it smart & easy to remember.

As an example:

The problem is still there: except your butcher's wife, your puppy and your very curious colleague nobody heard about

From now, on a regular basis, attracting readers without converting this into an obsession should be something to work on.

Indeed, in this post we're talking about one way to build traffic.
Fortunately, this is not the only way.
Unfortunately, you will have to spend time & efforts to complete this task.

Visible results will only appear after a few weeks of work.
That's the price to pay!

In future posts, I will be very happy to share with you more ways to drive traffic to your site. This will come later.

Before revealing 2 tools I really like, we have some things to prepare.

Do you know what a rss link is?

See it as a strong link between your site, your readers and you.
From the technical side, this a link used to tell "I've just updated my blog" using mainly xml.

If you post trough blogger/blogpost or WordPress you already have this link.
I advice you to make it better than it is now.

How could you improve this?

  • Subscribing to service like FeedBurner.
  • Adding an icon easily visible on your blog.
Of course, you could use the Blogger or WordPress default link.

But you will get some benefits using such free services such as:
  • Statistics (I'm sure you'd like to know some time to time the number of subscribers you have for your blog).
  • Advices & tips (in my opinion any idea is welcome).
  • Easier communication with websites or applications requiring your feed.
In the next post, I will show you step by step how to subscribe to FeedBurner and add the very well known orange icon (the same but resized I used at the top of this post).

Good bye Folks, that's all for today!

Until next time: keep working on your content!


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By Arthur Orchid

In any new business, new job there is a part of unknown stuff.

Each time you face something new for you (new business, new opportunity, new job, new position, new company, new family situation, ...) appear some fears and doubts.

In fact, this is very natural, usual and sane.

If you just do things without having a little thought before starting or during the process, you may be in difficulties sometimes.

To go further, you have to imagine yourself when your goal is achieved.

Why do you have to?
Because you must persuade yourself you can do it.

Okay, now you're self-convinced this is possible.
Do you have near to you the guidelines to follow?

Any new adventure hides obstacles on your way.
Indeed obstacles are here to be overcomed testing your motivation.

You have to stay optimistic to climb any mountain you will probably encounter.
Almost nothing is impossible, it takes time, efforts & self-control.

Here are a few ways I recommend:

  • strike off the list of actions you have already completed
  • join a forum of new entrepreneurs where you can ask some questions, find free tips & advices, obtain prod
  • have a rest doing something else for let's say 1 week: when you come back to your current problem it will seem less difficult to solve than before.
It's amazing to notice how you sometimes find a solution without searching it.

It's possible because you're not any more focused on looking for a solution.

You are no more affected by the problem.
You forgot the emotional part of the situation.

It's really a good point for you.
Your brain can work again sanely, even if you're not aware of that for now.

Be conscious of the limits of your positive attitude!

This is not a religion.
Some sects use such tips to recruit you...

It's not necessary to repeat every morning before waking up:
« Every day I feel richer, in one year I will be a millionnaire. »
This simply doesn't work!

Of course don't buy any method promoting The strength of mind.
This is just a loss of money.

I already told you, you have in yourself everything you need to succeed.

Time for action: Breath Deeply The Positive Attitude!

Until next time:
  • Don't save your efforts!
  • Don't give up now!
Feel free to share your own ways to overcome obstacles adding a comment!


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By Arthur Orchid

It may appear as an elementary advice but you shouldn't spend more money than available to start your business.

You need and wish to make a sane business.
So work at your own pace.

It will be useless & dangerous to go too fast.
You have to build your success step by step.

Before being able to spend more money than today you have 2 solutions :

  1. save money
  2. earn money either offline or online
Don't start subscribing to Premium services or buying an expensive software.

Don't pay to become affiliate: there are already hundreds of companies offering serious and free affiliation.

No need to pay so far.

To make HTML or PHP, Dreamweaver is not the only good software you can use:
Have a look to Nvu.

It won't be good for your mindset to start with debts.

Remember, there are guidelines to follow to ensure your success achievement...

What should you do now?
  1. You have to determine a goal to achieve
  2. You have to follow your own step by step guidelines
Stop making excuses and work from now!

I recommend you to start preparing some fresh content for your site.

When you earn some fresh money (say from $100), you will be able to outsource this task.

Until next time, have a nice day!


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