By Arthur Orchid

Running an online business such as an home based business also implicates some work on marketing and advertising. Even if you start with very few knowledge of those topics there're tons of books, ebooks and web articles you can read to teach yourself the basics of Advertising Research. A lot of people try to present marketing and advertising as a science, but in reality it isn't. In reality, even advertising research is subject to a lot of different methodologies and interpretations. For sure no one does it the same way.

Too many people proceed with advertising market research as if they were just doing social science. Do I have to say this an error ? They try to get as good a sample as they can and the most accurate results possible, taking great time and effort to be scientific about it. My particular approach to advertising research has always been somewhat different than this. When I research advertising, the goal is to come up with an effective advertising campaign. As such, all you need is plausibility. You don't need to know for sure that an approach is the very best, you just need enough evidence to suggest that it will work well. After that, all you have to do is to trust in your own instincts. Do you trust yourself?

There're a lot of more conservative advertising researchers who view this approach as kind of reckless. They say that if you don't research advertising correctly, you can cost your clients a fortune in wasted money. To them, I always give the same reply: no matter how much advertising research you do, you can't guarantee that an advertising campaign would work. This is not exactly like throwing a dice and see what happens but it for sure require some luck and experience. Fortunately with new technologies you can test your online advertising campaigns setting a reasonable amount of money and tweak your ads for the best possible results. This is obviously why I like working with Adwords, Yahoo Research and Miva.
Marketing and advertising is about taking risks with creative and innovative ideas. If what you need is security and guarantees, you're probably in the wrong field. That's not to say that advertising research is unhelpful. As a matter of fact, market research is one of the most useful tools that advertisers have. It can help you target a demographic more effectively, rule out questionable tactics, or figure out which media to emphasize primarily in your marketing campaign.

Your advertising research can help you to convince a distrustful client that your approach will work. Certainly, market research trials are always necessary before you spend the time and expense for a nationwide campaign. My advice is to start testing at a local level first and then if you're successful, extend your offer to the whole country. This will allow you to launch another advertising campaign if this one is a pure disaster. The most important thing to remember, however, is that you're in business. As an advertising expert, you have one goal: to make your client's advertising campaigns succeed. If you can do that with a minimum of advertising research, go for it. If you think that researching your advertising strategy will help, go for it. You'll find out soon enough if or not your instincts are any good. If they aren't any good, you probably should find a different field anyway. In my case, my advertising strategy is to drive more and more traffic to my affiliate websites and convert clicks into customers. as much as possible. My previous careers online and offline are still very useful.

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By Arthur Orchid

The dream of being self employed is shared by many people and a good number of these people are women. There're a lot of reasons that you might want to start your own business if you're a woman. Whether you're tired of having to answer to a supervisor or whether you just want to create a work-from-home opportunity for yourself you might want to consider some of the following options. The drive to be able to work at your own pace and during your free time has led to a path of self-employment. However, you might be a little apprehensive about trying to start your own business. After all, the whole process is scary. You're never quite sure if you'll have a steady income and you probably need to rely on another source for benefits like health insurance.

Nevertheless, changes in your life such as a new baby will make the option to start your own business seem like the only choice you have. The cost of daycare is staggering. You might find that the money you make at work barely covers your child’s daycare costs. It would be beneficial for you to start your own business so you can work at your own pace. The best way to choose your particular field is to find something that you truly enjoy. If you're a magnificent cake decorator you might want to contact your local craft and hobby store and offer to hold workshops and demonstrations. Just about any craft or hobby can be a tool for you when you start your own business. Kate, one of my wife's former colleague contacted her local community college and offered to conduct a poetry workshop. The non-credit course is designed around her schedule.

kate chose to work in the evening with the class. This won'’t make her rich but it's a great start. In any new business, the most important step is to TAKE ACTION! She can also work from home on other ventures as well. This may seem like a dream-come-true but you really have to dedicate yourself to your new venture. When you start your own business you're really starting a whole new life. Part of the problem with working from home is that others tend to think that you're not actually working. They don't see you going to an office in town so they just imagine you're not really working... Others may think that you've got all the free time in the world. You don'’t. Make sure that you make it perfectly clear to friends and family that after you start your own business you'll not be available during certain times of the day. The benefit of being self employed is having the option of creating your own schedule. However, there're only 24 hours in a day no matter what.

If possible have a room dedicated to your home-business work. You need extra focus today: just close the door & let your family know your current need. They'll understand if you find the words to tell them with love and conviction... You could also personalize your working space displaying a funny sign like those do not disturb!

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By Arthur Orchid

There're many opportunities to begin your own home based business through the internet. This trend is sweeping the nation and some experts predicted that sixty percent of the work force will be working from their home within the next ten years. Many of the companies are multi-level dealerships and others are stand alone free businesses. Many companies encourage the new business owner to name their company.

When you'll start your own dealership and give your company a name to place on your business cards, you'll be asked from a webmaster, a consumer research specialist or even your tax consultant if you've already worked on registering your domain names. If you keep silent they'll assume you've no idea what registering domain names is all about. It's never too late for a brief explanation. When you name a company you can protect the name from anyone else using it by registering domain names with the state in which you live.

Even if it may seem not necessary to do this right now, many people have found that registering domain names can save them hassles in the future is someone else would use the same name. But please don't fall into schemes that charge money. Registering domain names is something that the business owner can do with the secretary of state’s office in the state you reside in. This can be done on line in most states, and involves filling out a form.

Some people on the internet will run ads claiming that they will register you business name for a nominal fee. People will give them the business information and then the person will go on line and register the name for free and pocket the money that they charge. Don't be the sheep between the wolves! There're many advertisements on the internet that make claims of registering domain names cheap, or for a nominal amount you can have the registration taken care of.

Note: As you can see there're always people trying to exploit your current ignorance in the technical aspects of the web. Do I have to specify I deeply hate such individuals?

In fact, registering domain names is free and easy to do, and you probably would have answered one of the ads and paid someone to do it for you. Every new business owner should be immediately informed about the lack of fees to register a domain name. You only pay a few bucks (less than $10 per year for a dot com domain name) to own that specific domain name. To avoid disasters, I strongly recommend you to use reminders from the softwares you prefer to alert you when there's only 3 - 2 and 1 month before your domain name expires. Before it expires, renew it for 12 months or more and that will be fine.

Finding the best domain name and carefully chosing the name of your company are topics I'll talk about here. Stay tuned if you're interested by Domain names and Business company names.

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By Arthur Orchid

Here is a topic that is much more actual than it seems at first sight. Let's see how!

During the mid-1990s, global trade agreements opened international economic markets, while internet businesses thrived. As a result, many cultural barriers vanished and the world became virtually smaller. It's known as complete Mondialization. Corporations, looking for ways to cut costs, took stock of these factors and decided that overseas labor markets might be useful in boosting the bottom line. Large American technology corporations were among the first to take the plunge. Universities in India had foreseen the need for programmers and developers and developed information technology curriculums to fill the growing world demand. Newly graduated teams of Indian programmers came to the United States to train in American corporations.

These Indian teams, once trained, returned to India to continue work on a telecommute basis. Outsourcing jobs to India had begun. Due to the lower cost of living in India, American corporations were able to pay much less to Indian workers than to their American counterparts, thus saving hundreds of millions of dollars. The corporate planners projected that outsourcing jobs to India would save at least 20% on labor, an enticing figure indeed.

Note: of course financial investors in one hand are happy to get more money from the firm's stocks. But in the other hand they know such changes will have some consequences. At the beginning most of them were totally unable to imagine the real disaster they put in action.

Outsourcing jobs to India became the way to go, with most IT corporations in the U.S. following suit. By 2001, American programmers were virtually unemployable, undercut by the cheaper Indian labor. This produced what amounted to a depression for the American IT industry worker. Corporate planners failed to anticipate several factors that ate into the savings in labor costs. Ultimately, projects ended up costing more than those done by American workers. Communication with non-native English speaking programmers half a world away proved to be a great difficulty. Time zone differences made normal work hours in India opposite that of the American management teams, resulting in massive scheduling problems. Another serious problem surfaced when programs written in India could not be readily integrated with interfacing programs developed in the United States.

After several years of intensive outsourcing, the American IT corporations began to realize that overall profits were waning, not growing. Meanwhile, American programmers and developers had been forced into new career paths, depleting IT resources in the U.S. However, other U.S. industries continued outsourcing jobs to India, by the hundreds of thousands. From resume writers to telephone answering services, cheaper Indian labor put more and more Americans out of work. A tightening economy and higher energy costs in the U.S. created resentment among displaced American workers. The impact of outsourcing now affects a large segment of U.S. workers.

While some corporations now still enjoy higher profits by outsourcing jobs to India, the strategy may eventually backfire. Workers in the U.S. who are laid off in favor of an overseas worker cannot afford the goods sold by these corporations. Reduced operating costs may well turn into excess inventory. So the question remains, do we want a strong economy at home, which benefits all of us, or strong economies abroad? As any entrepreneur you'll probably have to think about outsourcing some tasks - usually days are just 24 hours long - please always keep in mind than quality has its price. Obviously, there's a huge difference to make between spending and investing money.

Do you see what I mean?
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